December 30, 2005

Newsfilter of the Weird for Fremont, CA Local police officer attacked by pack of ravenous Chihuahuas, treated for bites to ankles. In other news, man breaks into house to install porno screensaver to homeowner's computer. Film at 11.

December 15, 2005

Whales Have Manners "It felt to me like it was thanking us, knowing that it was free and that we had helped it." Who knew?

December 12, 2005

Black Ink Monday "Black Ink Monday, a non-violent protest by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC), is a response to the Tribune Company's recent elimination of editorial cartooning positions at several of its newspapers, as well as a commentary on newspapers everywhere who have lost sight of the value of having a staff editorial cartoonist."

December 11, 2005

Richard Pryor, 1940-2005 One of the fathers of contemporary comedy is gone.

November 16, 2005

Plushie Pee & Plushie Poo Originally sold seperately, Pee & Poo now come in a duo pack... These toys are perhaps the most subtle, lovable and harmless way you can physically represent urine and excrement in the form of a plush toy.

November 10, 2005

C'était un Rendezvous Paris, 1968, early one August morning. A Ferrari 275 GTB, going up to 140mph, makes it from one side of the city to another in less than 9 minutes. I think I love the sound of the car more than the video. QuickTime 35MB, via jwz

November 08, 2005

Wall of Boobies! (SFW) If you want to buy some lingerie for the special woman in your life, but can't remember her size, the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam has a wall designed for you to grope until you find the appropriate size. YA reason I ♥ the Dutch.

November 05, 2005

Amazon Mechanical Turk "HIT stands for Human Intelligence Task. These are tasks that people are willing to pay you to complete. For example a HIT might ask: "Is there a pizza parlour in this photograph?" Typically these tasks are extraordinarily difficult for computers, but simple for humans to answer." Amazon's selling people!

November 04, 2005

Head Like a Hat Rack Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman thinks graffiti artists' thumbs should be amputated on live TV. Street art blog Wooster Collective suggests that thumb photos with appropriate messages should be sent to them to be forwarded to hizzonner.

November 03, 2005

I want to... A useful list of links to online services when you need to do something.

November 02, 2005

McRib 05- The Farewell Tour Because everything The Simpsons do eventually comes true.

November 01, 2005

Conjoined Country Star
Reba- "I have a job singing in show business. Lori, my twin, has to go along with that because it's my career.When I am singing, Lori is like any other fan, except she's up on the stage with me." Lori- "I do not ask for anything from Reba - I don't get in to her concerts free just because she's a conjoined twin. I have to pay, just like every other fan that comes to that concert.They don't see me there. It's like there's a blanket over me because I am quiet and I don't make a noise."

October 28, 2005

The Nürburgring Nordschleife A long description of driving the 'Ring in a Mini Cooper S. I wonder if I could fit mine in the overhead compartment so I could fly it over there instead of just pretending with GTA4.

October 27, 2005

Worst Halloween Decoration Ever Sometimes when a supposed Halloween decoration looks ultra-real, it's because it IS real.

October 21, 2005

YA Intelligent Design Debate In which we forego the Flying Spaghetti Monster in favor of a Louisville Slugger.

October 14, 2005

I am Librarian, Hear me roar! In which a Librarian uses Library Skills to put the SmackDown on a Junk Faxer, and comes away with a Cessna. via kottke

October 13, 2005

Rock with your cock boobs out The M in MP3 now stands for mammary.

October 10, 2005

Crony Jobs Get the job you're entitled to!

October 06, 2005

Never eat anything bigger than your head Python: 0, Gator:0.

October 04, 2005

When did you stop beating your wife? (a prominent liberal USAian political action group) has put out a call for dirt (in the guise of "research") about SCOTUS nominee Harriet Miers, with such questions as "What was her record at the head of the scandal-ridden Texas Lottery Commission?" and "White House Council Alberto Gonzales played a pivotal role in softening Americas stance on torture. What positions has Harriet Miers advocated for in the same role?" via LostRemote
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